
lördag, maj 31, 2008

"Pragmatiska" Hamasledare och den "politiskt-demokratiska vägen"

Tänkte passa på att följa upp mitt förra inlägg som berörde Hamas och partiets rasism. Givetvis kan man ha olika uppfattningar om huruvida man bör samtala med Hamas och inte. Det är en diskussion jag låter andra föra. Men när en politisk redaktör på Sveriges största tidning beskriver en extremist av Khaled Mashaals slag som en "pragmatiker" som går "den politiskt-demokratiska vägen" är det dags säga ifrån. (AB 21/4)

Några uttalanden av Khaled Mashaal som varken är särskilt pragmatiska eller politiskt-demokratiska:

"I bring good tidings to our beloved Prophet Muhammad: Allah's promise and the Prophet's prophecy of our victory in Palestine over the Jews and over the oppressive Zionists has begun to come true."
Al-Jazeera TV 060203 (MEMRI)

"Before Israel dies, it must be humiliated and degraded. Allah willing, before they die, they will experience humiliation and degradation every day."
Al-Jazeera TV 060203 (MEMRI)

"We are part of a united front against the enemies of Islam."

Kuwait Times 070326

"Tomorrow, our nation will sit on the throne of the world. This is not a figment of the imagination, but a fact. Tomorrow we will lead the world, Allah willing. Apologize today, before remorse will do you no good. Our nation is moving forwards, and it is in your interest to respect a victorious nation."

Al-Jazeera TV 060203 (MEMRI)

"I want to make it clear to the West and to the German people, which is still being blackmailed because of what Nazism did to the Zionists, or to the Jews. I say that what Israel did to the Palestinian people is many times worse than what Nazism did to the Jews, and there is exaggeration, which has become obsolete, regarding the issue of the Holocaust. We do not deny the facts, but we will not give in to extortion by exaggeration. As for the Zionist holocaust against the Palestinian people, and against the peoples of the Arab and Islamic nation – this is a holocaust that is being perpetrated in broad daylight, with the coverage of the media of globalization. Nobody can deny it or claim that it is being exaggerated."

Al-Jazeera TV 070616 (MEMRI)

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