
fredag, maj 27, 2011

WikiLeaks och antisemitismen

Expo #2/2011 släpps i dag. Mitt bidrag är en granskning om WikiLeaks och antisemitismen.
Expo #2/2011 ute i dag. Wikileaks ledare Julian Assange och den svenske antisemiten Israel Shamir har haft ett mer utvecklat samarbete än vad som tidigare framkommit – det visar mejl som Expo tagit del av.
På finns en intervju med mig om granskningen och en kortare nyhet baserad på granskningen. Nyhet i medievärlden om mejlen Expo tagit del av. Köp Expo för hela storyn.

Below is news article in English based on the story from Expo magazine (#2/2011).

Antisemite helped build WikiLeaks' network in Sweden

The cooperation between Julian Assange and the Swedish antisemite Israel Shamir is closer than has previously been reported. Expo has recieved e-mail correspondence revealing that Shamir was actively involved in shaping Wikileaks’ Swedish network.

According to WikiLeaks' spokesperson, Kristinn Hrafnsson, the role of Israel Shamir has been that of a freelance writer working with a “a project that came and went”.

– We have not been scanning all the thousands of journalists that we have been associated with in some way, he tells Expo.

However, e-mails between Shamir and Assange that Expo have read reveal that the two have cooperated for several years. In 2008 Shamir was asked to recommend potential associates in Sweden.

Shamir answered by recommending his son, Johannes Wahlström, without mentioning anything about their kinship:

”He is Swedish citizen, and lives in Sweden. Probably he'll be able to give advice about press freedom”

In an e-mail dated June 2010 shows that Shamir at that point still played a part in the Swedish WikiLeaks-network. Shamir wrote:

”I have a lot of good guys who can help to analyse the treasure, and it would be good to start spreading the news. I am now in Paris, and people want to know more! Tuesday I go to Sweden, and there is a whole operation for your benefit!”

Assange replied:
”There certainly is! Tell the team to get ready; Give them my best; We have a lot of work to do.”

Israel Shamir and his son Johannes Wahlström have both been criticized for antisemitic writings. Shamir has said that ”every person who adheres to God should deny the Holocaust”. Wahlström wrote an article in 2005 with claims that ”Israel’s regime controls Swedish media”. Wahlström has repeatedly defended his father and he is presented on Shamir’s website as a ”distinguished contributor”.

The whole story is available in Expo magazine 2/2011